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Programme CIS Colloquium

CIS Colloquium Spring 2025

CIS Colloquium Spring 2025

The CIS Colloquium is a speakers series which takes place during the semester on Thursdays from 12:30 to 14:00. In the Spring it takes place at the ETH and in the Fall it takes place at the UZH. The target audience is all CIS participants including PhDs, Postdocs, Researchers and Professors.

You can find the Spring 25 program on the Current Events page. 


CIS supports DeFacto


external page DeFacto features abstracts of papers published in journals, summaries of book chapters and other research reports, as well as analyses and commentaries written especially for the platform by scholars in the context of current events. Advanced students are also given the opportunity to present outstanding research. The articles on DeFacto appear exclusively in German, French or Italian. They are written in a short and comprehensible way, but at the same time show which methodology they are based on and which theories they refer to.

Would you like to make a external page submission to DeFacto?




CIS Colloquium Rahsaan Maxwell, New York University
Who is more committed? Civic engagement and policy prioritization among immigration supporters and opponents

Date: Thursday, 27th of February
Time: 12:30 - 14:00
Location: ETH Zurich, IFW Building, Haldeneggsteig 4, Room E 42




University Research Priority Program “Equality of Opportunity”

Science Studies Colloquium

The joint colloquium of the Chair for Science Studies and the Professorship for Ethics, Technology and Society is devoted to the introduction into the theory and practice of scientific work in science studies.

Held on various Wednesday (please consult dates on the program) from 16:15–17:45, at the IFW Building, Room D 42, Haldeneggsteig 4. Zürich

Fall 24 Program


MA Comparative and International Studies (MACIS)

Find more information about the programme here  

Women at CIS

Women at CIS is a peer-group consisting of PhD students and postdocs at the Political Science Department of the University of Zurich and the political science areas of the ETH Zurich who identify as women. The group organizes different events and activities to increase the confidence, exposure, and (international) networks of women at CIS

external page Subscribe-Link

external page WhatsApp group

ERC and Swiss National Science Foundation Grants

Congratulations to Daniele Caramani on being awarded a Horizon grant from the European Research Council for his project Global Cleavages: The Shape of Political Conflict across World Regions in Historical Perspective (GLOBAL) and to Enzo Nussio for receiving a SNSF Consolidator Grant which will start in 2025.

Please see the updated list of ERC Grants and Swiss National Science Foundation Grants.


New professors at ETH CIS

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